…of things, thoughts, and happenings.
Philippine Contemporary Art Fair

Went with Mitchie, Chato, Cree, and Ronald to the Phil. Art Fair in Makati.

Silver and Ink

Amazing fellow SCAD artists at MINT Gallery during HK Silver and Ink Opening

Mariyah Gallery

During that crazy Dumaguete trip.

Preparing for Vernissage

Busy week, printing, matting, framing, and hanging works!

t e s t p r i n t

w h e w ! a l l f r a m e d a n d u p o n t h e w a l l , s a l o n s t y l e .

t a k i n g a b r e a k a t M a i s o n B a s s e

w e a r e n o w p r e t t y a n d r e a d y !

post-vernissage in front of our favorite little store in Lacoste

Collection Lambert

Avignon was a treat. Collection Lambert made it extra special. Different works from Nan Goldin to Jeanne Moreau and other great artists’ works are available for viewing.

exquisite images of Nan Goldin